The future of the Internet of things - the impact on education sector in developing countriesAhmed AlbugmiWith the enormous developments and the increasing role of technology in nearly every aspect of life, conventional methods of education in a classroom appears to no longer be appealing and effective or learners of the 21st century. The increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT), where students can make use of wearable devices embedded with sensors that connects them with learning systems is the need of the time. The Internet of Things (IoT) allows individuals and objects to remain connected anywhere and at any time, preferably by means of a service and a network or path.Students particularly in colleges and universities have progressively made a transition from paper-based books to that of Tablets and iPads which are equipped with various interactive apps and built-in graphics and simulations along with having the liberty of both space and time. The paper aims in discussing the different aspects of IoT within its productivity level which is equally useful for both learners and educators of the current time. The article will present an overview of IoT aspects and possible solutions that can be implemented within the education sector along with value added aspects within the education sector through IoT. Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 16, supplement issue 2 (2023), pp. 67-81 |